Thursday, April 17, 2014

Empowering Self-Directed Learners

It is my firm belief that when children become responsible and take ownership for their own learning, learning becomes purposeful and engaging, and they will go further than I can imagine. My role as teacher is not the delivery of knowledge but as a facilitator of each child's learning. I follow the constructivist teaching approach (than the instructivist approach) where students are active and construct the meaning of their learning.

So..."How do I do it?" Hmmm...I think many, many factors play into it. I'm sure my 25 years of teaching experience play a major role but being of a growth mindset, I'm constantly reflecting and growing as a teacher. I plan, reflect and revise lessons constantly based on the students of the class and the moment of lesson. I scaffold lessons so each child is successful and continues to grow. I believe we are community of learners and that we can all learn from each other.

A couple of years ago, I created this presentation, on what makes me a 21st Century Teacher and Learner.  I read Howard Gardner's "Five Minds of the Future", a great book! Here he is on youtube explaining this book!  In my presentation, I filmed myself explaining how I develop the "five minds" in the classroom.

Here are other powerful resources that have greatly influenced my teaching:
  • The Element by Sir Ken Robinson
  • Growth Mindset by Carol Dweck
  • Whole New Mind by Daniel Pink
  • Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell
  • Nurture Shock by Po Bronson & Ashley Merryman
  • Habits of Mind by Art Costa
  • Dispositions by Art Costa 
  • Who Owns the Learning? by Alan November
Something I always do is that I put myself into the shoes of my learners. Sometimes I literally sit on the rug so I'm physically at their level or role play a lesson to understand their perspective.

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